Monday, October 22, 2012

Below the Line

Hungry.  I am hungry and I am even going to have 3 meals today.

During the month of October, our church takes time to celebrate the ways God is using our church in mission outside our four walls.  This includes updates with our local and global ministry partners, collecting a special offering to help with special mission projects and learning to experience mission in new ways. This year one of our community’s experiences is our own version of “Living Below the Line.” Over half of the global population lives on less than $2/day. Over 25% of the world lives on less than $1.50/day. What is profoundly sad, is that although we are choosing to EAT on less than $1.50/day this week – these stats are about people who LIVE on that same amount. This means housing, clothing, medical, AND food. This week, when the hunger pangs come and the lack of immediate energy seems the norm, we are encouraged to realize the excess that is our “normal.” We are encouraged to pray for those who are in need. We are encouraged to make room for the Holy Spirit to move in our daily life and in our imagination. We are encouraged to imagine ways that we can help others, who daily live below the poverty line, obtain sufficient food.

Below is our weekly menu:

Black Beans (cooked from dry)
Brown Rice (Organic Short Grain)
Local Farm Eggs
Organic Spinach
Crushed Red Pepper
A Handful of Peanuts
Total for the week: 14.97

Please pray that as we (and others from our faith community) engage in this rejection of excess, that God moves in miraculous ways that we find ourselves amazed at what God can do through the hearts of those who open space for Him to move.

One brief story before I sign off. A phone conversation from earlier today with my friend:
Mark:    Dude, lets grab a brew this week and catch up.
Tim:       Well, I’d love to but we are living on less than $1.50/day this week…
Mark:    Cool, well, uh, what if I bought it for you?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

something a little outlandish

Life right now is pretty crazy. That is even putting it lightly. Trying to navigate full-time masters classes, oftentimes full-time work and ministry, spending quality time with my wife, walking through the international adoption process for our son, and some attempt at a social life is no easy task. Time is very sparse, and the term "free-time" is laughable most days.

So, in the midst of all of this, I took off for a long weekend to hunt antelope in Wyoming. This is something that I have done for the past few years with very good friends. As much as this may seem (and in some ways is) like a selfish vacation at the most inopportune time, it is part of my personal soulcare and the fruits of this trip pay dividends to my family and ministry as a result.  Being offbalance does not always make sense, but it helps at times.