Tuesday, December 11, 2012

leaving a lot behind

This Saturday, we again take off for Ghana. This time we go to custody court with our son, his caretakers and guardians, and the biological father and grandfather. While a ton of prep work has gone into this event and we hope that all the pieces are in place - a lot could happen in the course of a few days. We continue to pray that God will work and guide this as he has all along.

In the meantime, I have two weeks of classes and final to cram into one week. All this on top of trying to pack and prepare and work at the same time. There is a lot of things off balance during this season. It is a time to focus on what needs to be done. That does not necessarily mean that we only focus on things that have external deadlines.  Taking time to pray together, inform those around us what is happening how to pray. Take time to share joy, hopes, and struggles. While papers need to be written and ministry plans made - some things are fine on their own for a season.

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